His diving journey spans decades and continents, bringing a wealth of experience to Island Diving Center in Roatán. Beginning with the Portuguese Navy in 1997, he dedicated nearly a decade to commercial diving projects in Portugal, Spain and Brazil.
A commitment to public safety led him to volunteer as a firefighter from 2000 to 2002. During this time, he trained public safety diving teams and spearheaded rescue diving operations. Relocating to Brazil in 2005, he managed three dive centers in the Northeast region before establishing his own—Let’s Dive—in Maceió in 2011. Let’s Dive earned the distinction of being Brazil’s sole PADI Career Development Center (CDC), operating successfully until 2022.
His focus has remained on professional training, technical diving, and business development within the diving industry. Achieving the esteemed title of PADI Course Director in 2021, he has personally trained over 1,100 students and logged more than 16,000 dives. Now residing in Roatán, Honduras, he leads Island Diving Center, sharing his passion and expertise with divers of all levels.
* This specialty course is designed and developed by a PADI Instructor. Upon PADI approval, the authoring instructor, or an individual specifically authorized by them, retains exclusive rights to teach this specialty.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a certification from PADI.